Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Key Stage 2 Writing

Year 3 and 4:

On entering KS2, pupils continue to be immersed in high quality texts that are used to challenge, enthuse and engage children. They are taught progressive writing skills, which includes the familiarisation of the text type through reading, the identification of structure and language features, modelled writing, shared writing, guided writing and independent writing.  Our pupils become familiar with these crucial elements of writing: 

  • Writing transcription: spelling
  • Writing composition: plan, write, edit
  • Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation: sentence work
  • Handwriting (developing and perfecting a cursive style.)



Year 5 and 6:

Pupils in UKS2, have the opportunity to further their independence in self-assessment against specific criterias, as well as supporting peers in their writing.  Through the evaluation of language in high quality texts, pupils build authorial skills to develop a range of genres to suit specific audiences.  Proof reading is a skill that is taught carefully to enable accurate editing of their writing.  Extended pieces of writing are celebrated across the curriculum.  Our pupils are also given opportunities to attend author-led workshops to inspire their writing and raise awareness of careers in the future.