St Maria Goretti Catholic Academy
Welcome to Nursery - FS1
Key Information for Parents
50 Recommended Reads
We love 'Reading for Pleasure' Here are the 50 recommended book titles for your class.
Important Information
Outdoor learning is an incredibly big part of Nursery (FS1), please provide a pair of wellies to stay in school.
Bring a filled drinks bottle every day, clearly named with your child’s name.
Our PE kit is dark blue/black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings, plain white t shirt and school jumper.
Children need a book bag to carry their reading books in to school and back home.
Other bags will not be allowed due to lack of storage space.
Please ensure everything belonging to your child is clearly marked with their FULL NAME.
Phonics Links
In Nursery, we focus on our listening skills, in preparation for learning our sounds following the No Nonsense Phonics Scheme in school.
Here is a handy parent guide to help to develop your child’s listening skills.
Nursery Phonics - A step by step guide for parents
Maths Links
Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC – Numberblocks is a great programme to help your child to develop their concept of number.
Your child will be given a Numbots login for them to access the app. Homework maybe set using this app at various times throughout the year.
Tapestry Link
We use Tapestry to communicate with you, and to upload observations of your child through the year. Follow the link below to access Tapestry. If you need help with your login, please talk to one of the staff members.